What is OneClean Carpet Detergent?
Carpet Detergent for ALL Carpet Fibres. The one carpet detergent for WOOL and stain-resistant carpet and ALL non stain-resistant carpet. For use in portable jet extraction machines and truck mounted machines.
OneClean Carpet Detergent
- Ends confusion over what carpet detergent to use on what kinds of carpet. If you're thoroughly mixed up over what kind of carpet detergent to use on which carpet fibres - join the industry. OneClean carpet detergent is the answer. OneClean was developed for use on all fibres by all makers.
- Protects cleaning machines. Special corrosion inhibitors protect the metal parts and pump of your cleaning machine, giving longer life to equipment.
- Buffered pH 7.5-8.0. Formulated with special buffering compounds in order to maintain the safe, yet effective pH for cleaning wool and stain resistant carpets.
- Easy to mix. Just add to water according to directions to make quick mixing, ready-to-use solution. 125ml makes 25 litres of cleaning solution. 2 litres makes 25 litres stock for truck mounts.
Best Carpet Detergent
- Ends confusion. Removes the possibility of making mistakes by working on all fibres from all makers. pH 7.5 - 8.0
- Protects cleaning machines. Special corrosion inhibitors protect the metal parts and pump of your cleaning machine, giving longer life to equipment.
Directions For Truck Mount
- To make concentrated stock solution, use 2 litres of OneClean to 25 litres of water.
- Set your solution meter on truck mount to suit soiling rate of carpet.
For Portable Steam Extraction Machines
- USE 1/2 cup (125 ml) of OneClean carpet deterrgent to 25 litres (5 gals) of solution. For lightly soiled carpets amount can be reduced.
OneClean has been approved by all major fibre producers (Du Pont, Allied and Monsanto) for use on stain - resistant fibres, equally important, it has been approved by the International Wool Secretariat.
Tested by cleaning research international in accordance with IWS test method and suitable for use on Woolmark® and Woolblendmark® carpets.
OneClean is manufactured in Australia under licence from Chemspec Inc. Baltimore, MD., U.S.A.
We manufacture and supplies a wide range of carpet cleaning chemicals, Carpet Cleaneing detergent & liquid suitable for cleaning carpets & rugs across Australia. We are open for click & collect as well at https://goo.gl/maps/U7QLvMerKfP7vRBD7 Or Call us now on 1800 335 007 or you can buy OneClean Carpet Detergent online also.
Useful information about OneClean Carpet Detergent:
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effective Carpet Detergent for All Carpet Fibres
Good Carpet Detergent for All Carpet Fibres
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