Bio-Cleaner - Biological Washroom Cleaner & Odour Neutraliser
Sanitaire Bio Products
Micro Clean is a biological stain and odour digester that will effectively degrade organic soiling such as urine & spilt beverages etc, from absorbent surfaces and fabrics.
Especially useful around urinals, walkways and areas contaminated with urine, vomit and body fluids and other bio-spills.
A little biological stain and odour digester will also cure odours from sink outlets, baths, showers and kitchen waste units and prevent the re-growth of mould and moss on damp paths and in changing areas with poor ventilation.
Unlike many cleaners, Micro Clean works by digesting & permanently eradicating the source of the soiling. It is non-toxic, biodegradable and it will not harm the environment.
Cleancare MicroCleaner is a biological stain and odour digester that will effectively degrade any organic soiling absorbed into carpets, upholstery fabrics and flooring material that traditional cleaners cannot remove. It is highly effective on urine stains and odour. also MicroCleaner is also effective at preventing odours in small bore pipes from sinks, baths, showers and from kitchen waste units in catering and food prep areas
Micro Clean is unique as it contains bacterial strains not in other digesters. It has been in production since the early 1990's, and the formula has been perfected to specifically target soiling from body spillages, beverages, food soiling etc, outlined above. Comparisons are difficult for the layman because it is not possible to identify strains of bacteria without special equipment but we are confident there is nothing to compare to Micro Clean - anywhere.
When not is use keep closed in the original container. Keep out of reach of children.
Features & Benefits
GENERAL CLEANING - dilute 1:1 with tepid water
MAINTENANCE Water. - dilute 20:1 with tepid
(tiles around toilets etc.)
Shake container well before opening. Only activated by diluting with water and should be used within 3-4 hours. Dilute with tepid (not hot) water and sponge or brush onto contaminated area. Soiled areas need complete penetration. Cover with a damp cloth for maximum effect. Do not rinse. Allow to dry slowly. Pour a little directly into sink outlets to combat odours and blockages. Leave to work overnight. Do not spray.*
Test small areas of carpet/fabric for colour fastness before use
When activated, the micro-organisms produce enzymes that quickly break down the waste. These particles of waste are more accessible for the bacteria to absorb. Each bacterium, having absorbed this food, becomes large enough to divide, becoming two identical bacteria. This degrading process will continue for as long as there is support (food) available. When the food is depleted the bacteria will start to die off.
May be used to remove stains and cure odours caused by urine, dairy products, baby soiling, pet soiling, fruit juices, fats and cooking oil, wine and most soft drinks. Staining from tea and coffee can be permanent though may be reduced with treatment. Use as directed to remove black mould, body fat, urine etc. from tiled areas walls and floors in washrooms.
Very Effective Odour Digester. Strongly recommended
good biological stain and odour digester that will effectively degrade any organic soiling absorbed into carpets, upholstery fabrics and flooring material that traditional cleaners cannot remove